Böcker > Filosofi & religion > Filosofi > Den västerländska filosofins historia > Västerländsk filosofi: antiken till ca 500 e.Kr.

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Confessions: Volume I
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Greek Philosophical Terms
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The Maladapted Mind
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Aristotle: Politics, Books V and VI
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Archimedis Opera Omnia: Volume 1
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Plato: A Guide for the Perplexed
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History of Philosophy Volume 1
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Plato on the Metaphysical Foundation of Meaning and Truth
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Trials of Reason
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Return of a Green Philosophy: The Wisdom of Ó¿inn, the Power of ¿órr, and Freyja's Power of Nature
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On Rhetoric
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Aristotle and Xenophon on Democracy and Oligarchy
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Genres in Dialogue
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A New Aristotle Reader
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Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Parmenides
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Aristotle on the Human Good
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Aristotle, Emotions, and Education
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Plato's Ethics
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The Legacy of Isocrates and a Platonic Alternative
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Early Greek Philosophy and the Orient
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Treatise on Rhetoric
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Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea
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Aristotle: Rhetoric
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Beautiful City
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Theaetetus. Sophist
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Categories. On Interpretation. Prior Analytics
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Minor Works
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Moral Essays: Volume II
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Physics: Volume II
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Aristotle on Time
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Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics
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Ancient Greek Philosophy
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Analogical Investigations
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Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration
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On Manly Courage
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A Companion to Marcus Aurelius
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