Böcker > Historia & arkeologi > Historia > Historia: från äldsta tider till idag > 1900-talets historia: 1900 - 2000 > Efterkrigstidens historia under 1900-talet: 1945 - 2000 Measure Of God The Times Queen Elizabeth II China Since 1949 Jawaharlal Nehru Mecca of Revolution World's Newest Profession Iran-Contra A New History of the Humanities CEO, China Ceausescu and the Securitate The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War Once upon a Secret Media and the Making of Modern Germany US Covert Operations and Cold War Strategy Last Governor Pol Pot Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Chickenhawk Africa since Independence Emperor India From Third World to First Amnesiopolis People's Game Winds of Change Last Nazis British Cultural Studies Charles & Camilla The Oxford History of Historical Writing Modern France Deterring Democracy The Cold War Shadow Sites The Rise and Decline of the American "Empire" Underground Looming Tower