Böcker > Historia & arkeologi > Historia > Historia: från äldsta tider till idag > 1900-talets historia: 1900 - 2000 The Museums of Contemporary Art Turkey's Modernization At the Hinge of History Rainbow's End Pol Pot Imperial Reckoning The Fifty-Year Wound Sweden and Visions of Norway Wilhelm II Legends of Drag: Queens of a Certain Age Power at Sea v. 3; Violent Peace, 1946-2006 Academic Ambassadors, Pacific Allies Reflections on Violence The Art of Suppression Inventing Paradise Ideology and Congress Documenting China Japan in Transformation, 1945-2010 World History and National Identity in China Cultures of International Exhibitions 1840-1940 Ghost At The Feast Motherless Tongues True Raiders China in Transformation The Economic History of Latin America since Independence 1916: One Hundred Years of Irish Independence France in 1938 Murder in the Mtro Varieties of Capitalism in Post-Communist Countries Chechnya's Secret Wartime Diplomacy War, Law and Humanity The Art of Survival Redeemed by Fire The Road To Helsinki The Balkans as Europe, 1821-1914 Explorations in Baltic Medical History, 1850-2015