Böcker > Kultur > Design > Produktdesign

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Structural Packaging
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Hertzian Tales
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Universal Design
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Graphics and Packaging Production
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Green Wood Chairs
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Sourcebook of Scandinavian Furniture
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UX Simplified: Models & Methodologies
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Performance Theatre and the Poetics of Failure
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Footwear Pattern Making and Last Design
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The Design Book
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Working 2019/2020
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Makers Ware
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Kids' Design
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ViP Vision in Design
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The Form of Design
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Ingenious: Product Design that Works
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The Package Design Book. Volume 2
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Konstantin Grcic
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Joel Meyerowitz: Where I Find Myself
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Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat.
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Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design
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Öppna dig! : handbok i design av lätthanterliga förpackningar
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The Handbook of Design Management
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Design for Children
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Designing Designing
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Vignelli Canon
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Drawing for Product Designers
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Prototyping across the Disciplines
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User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design Are Changing the Way We Live, Work, and Play
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Designing Objects in Motion
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Design & Democracy