Böcker > Kultur > Teater > Skådespelarkonst Environmental Theater The Actor's Workbook Audition Songs for Women Secrets of Stage Success The Moon Rises from the Ganges Sanity in Acting: the teachings of Galina Boulgakova, a Stanislavski-based approach to acting for the screen Acting To the Actor Freeing Shakespeare's Voice You Can Act! Drama Games for Devising Alright Darling? More than Fifteen Minutes of Fame The Voice Exercise Book Rehearsing emotions : the process of creating a role for the stage Att vara äkta på scen : om skådespelarens arbetsmoral och teknik : valda te Stella Adler Impro for Storytellers An Actor Prepares The Actor and the Target A Practical Handbook for the Actor The Actor and the Target Creating A Role True and False Other People's Shoes Accents Audition Scenen är din! : dramatiska texter & monologer Meyerhold, Eisenstein and Biomechanics Stanislavski: An Introduction Michael Chekhov’s Acting Technique An Actor Prepares Introduction to the Alexander Technique An Actor's Work on a Role The Intent to Live The Improv Handbook