Böcker > Nya tiden, ca 1500 - > 1900 - talet > Efterkrigstiden, 1945 - 2000 > ca 1980 - ca 1990 Den osannolika mördaren : Skandiamannen och mordet på Olof Palme Everybody Had His Own Gringo Den osannolika mördaren : hela berättelsen om Skandiamannen, Palmemordet och polisutredningen som spårade ur My Mad Fat Diary The Great American Bus Ride The Post-Colonial Critic Peasant Revolution in Ethiopia Soviet Policies in the Middle East Forty Autumns Mordgåtan Olof Palme : makten, lögnerna och tystnaden Kupé nr 6 Architecture and Disjunction God And Ronald Reagan Scandals and Abstraction NSK from <i>Kapital </i>to Capital Credibility in Court Credibility in Court Factional Politics in Post-Khomeini Iran Art After Stonewall Ten Men Dead The Cambridge History of China: Volume 15, The People's Republic, Part 2, Revolutions within the Chinese Revolution, 1966-1982 Action Directe 80s Sound and Vision Internationalizing Media Theory The Lost Women of Rock Music Honda 700-1000cc Intrceptr 83-85 American Culture in the 1980s Säpos hemliga buggningar : Mörkläggning - Statsmakten och Palmemordet Ebbe Carlssons fall : Mörkläggning - Statsmakten och Palmemordet Utpekandet av Christer Pettersson : Mörkläggning - Statsmakten och Palmemordet Electoral Systems and Party Systems Popular Protest And Political Culture In Modern China To Free the Cinema Keyboard Presents the Best of the '80s Miriam's Song The Spectrum of Adventure