Parks And Recreation - Season 2 (Import)
Amy Poehler (Baby Mama, Saturday Night Live) leads an ensemble cast who are joined by guest stars Rob Lowe (The West Wing) , Will Arnett (Saturday Night Live, 30 Rock) and Andy Samberg (Saturday Night Live, BBC3's Cuckoo) in the hilarious second season of Parks and Recreation. Leslie Knope, Pawnee of Indiana's most enthusiastic public servant solves all of her town's problems- hosting a telethon, ridding the golf course of possums and getting unhealthy energy bars out of park vending machines. By her side but not necessarily doing anything are her friends and colleagues: lady-killer Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) ; disinterested intern April (Aubrey Plaza); best girl pal Ann (Rashida Jones) ; shoe-shine extraordinaire Andy (Chris Pratt); charismatic city-planner Mark Brendanawicz (Paul Schneider) and their anti-government boss Ron Swanson ( Nick Hofferman).