The Flash: The Complete Third Season (4 disc) (Import)
All 23 episodes from the third season of the action adventure following the DC Comics superhero. After being struck by lightning and covered in chemicals while in his laboratory, forensic scientist Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) wakes up from a coma to find he has superhuman powers. He decides to use his new abilities to fight other superhumans created by the storm who are using their powers for evil in Central City. In this season, Barry discovers his actions have led to the creation of a new timeline leaving him with more formidable foes to face. The episodes are: 'Flashpoint', 'Paradox', 'Magenta', 'The New Rogues', 'Monster', 'Shade', 'Killer Frost', 'Invasion!', 'The Present', 'Borrowing Problems from the Future', 'Dead Or Alive', 'Untouchable', 'Attack On Gorilla City', 'Attack On Central City', 'The Wrath of Savitar', 'Into the Speed Force', 'Duet', 'Abra Kadabra', 'The Once and Future Flash', 'I Know Who You Are', 'Cause and Effect', 'Infantino Street' and 'Finish Line'.