From one of the greatest French philosophers of the 19th century, comes a seminal study and critique of propaganda. Taking not only a psychological approach, but a sociological approach as well, Ellul's book outlines the taxonomy for propaganda, and ultimately, it's destructive nature towards democracy. Drawing from his own experiences fighting for the French resistance against the Vichy regime, Ellul offers a unique insight into the propaganda machine. 'A far more frightening work than any of the nightmare novels of George Orwell. With the logic which is the great instrument of French thought, Ellul] explores and attempts to prove the thesis that propaganda, whether its ends are demonstrably good or bad, is not only destructive to democracy, it is perhaps the most serious threat to humanity operating in the modern world.'--Los Angeles 'The theme of Propaganda is quite simply . . . that when our new technology encompasses any culture or society, the result is propaganda . . . Ellul has made many splendid contributions in this book.'--Book Week