Aaron, Pickett A Sermon, Preached Feb. 16, 1846, at the Funeral of Mrs. Mary L. Bennett, Wife of Rev. Joseph Bennett, of Woburn, Including a Journal of the Last six Weeks of her Life, Kept by her Husband

Anonymous Stories by American Authors: The Transferred Ghost, by F. R. Stockton. a Martyr to Science, by Mary P. Jacobi. Mrs. Knollys, by J. S. of Dale. a ... Spofford. Sister Silvia, by Mary A. Tincker

A Brief Sketch of the Life and Characteristics of Mrs. Mary Jane Briscoe Showing the Estimation in Which She Was Held by Her Friends and the Public Generally.

Moule, Mary Mullett The Memory Of The Just Is Blessed, A Brief Memorial Of Mrs. Moule, Of Fordington

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of the Family, Member A Memoir of Mrs. Mary Ferrier Including Sketches of a Brother-in-Law and Sister

Robinson, Mary 1758-1800 The Poetical Works of the Late Mrs. Mary Robinson: Including Many Pieces Never Before Published; Volume 2

Fisher, Hawes Louisa Memoir of Mrs. Mary E. Van Lennep: Only Daughter of the Rev. Joel Hawes and Wife of the Rev. Henry

Anonymous Stories by American Authors: The Transferred Ghost, by F. R. Stockton. a Martyr to Science, by Mary P. Jacobi. Mrs. Knollys, by J. S. of Dale. a ... Spofford. Sister Silvia, by Mary A. Tincker

Bryan, Hugh Living Christianity Delineated, In The Diaries And Letters Of Two Eminently Pious Persons Lately Deceased: Viz. Mr. Hugh Bryan, And Mrs. Mary Hutson, Both Of South-carolina

Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison; Who Was Taken by the Indians, in the Year 1755, When Only about Twelve Years of Age, and Has Continued ... Them to the Present Time: in large print

Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison; Who Was Taken by the Indians, in the Year 1755, When Only about Twelve Years of Age, and Has Continued ... Them to the Present Time: in large print

Giffen, Mary E. Galloway Life and Letters of Mrs. Mary Galloway Giffen, who was the Pioneer Missionary of the Associate Reformed Church, South and Served Nearly Seven Years

Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn Lizzie Leigh: And Other Tales by the Author of 'mary Barton'. by Mrs. Gaskell. Illustr. Ed

Rowlandson, Mary White The Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson: First Printed In 1682 At Cambridge, Massachusetts, & London, England. Now Reprinted In Facsimile

Green, Nelson Winch Mormonism: Its Rise, Progress, And Present Condition, Embracing The Narrative Of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith, Of Her Residence And Experience Of Fifteen Years With The Mormons

Of the Family, Member A Memoir of Mrs. Mary Ferrier Including Sketches of a Brother-in-Law and Sister

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Gordon, Mary 'christopher North' A Memoir Of John Wilson, Late Professor Of Moral Philosophy In The University Of Edinburgh, Compiled From Family Papers And Other Sources By His Daughter Mrs. Mary Gordon; Volume 2

Fisher, Hawes Louisa Memoir of Mrs. Mary E. Van Lennep: Only Daughter of the Rev. Joel Hawes and Wife of the Rev. Henry

Giffen, Mary E Galloway Life and Letters of Mrs. Mary Galloway Giffen, who was the Pioneer Missionary of the Associate Reformed Church, South and Served Nearly Seven Years

Wilson, Mary Elizabeth Lyles Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book: A Complete Collection of Original Recipes and Useful Household Information

Delany, 1700-1788 Letters From Mrs. Delany (widow of Doctor Patrick Delany) to Mrs. Frances Hamilton, From ... 1779 to ... 1788: Comprising Many Unpublished and ... of Their Late Majesties and the Royal Family

(Mary), Mrs Pilkington The Force Of Example: Or, The History Of Henry And Caroline: Written For The Instruction And Amusement Of Young Persons

Green, Nelson Winch Mormonism: Its Rise, Progress, And Present Condition, Embracing The Narrative Of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith, Of Her Residence And Experience Of Fifteen Years With The Mormons