1755-1843, Hahnemann Samuel Unterricht für Wundärzte über die venerischen Krankheiten, nebst einem neuen Queksilberpräparate
1755-1843, Hahnemann Samuel Unterricht für Wundärzte über die venerischen Krankheiten, nebst einem neuen Queksilberpräparate
Hahnemann, Samuel 1755-1843 Hahnemann's Defence of the Organon of Rational Medicine: and of His Previous Homoeopathic Works Against the Attacks of Professor Hecker ; an Explanatory Commentary on the Homoeopathic System
Hahnemann, Samuel 1755-1843 Hahnemann's Defence of the Organon of Rational Medicine: and of His Previous Homoeopathic Works Against the Attacks of Professor Hecker ; an Explanatory Commentary on the Homoeopathic System