Paris, John Ayrton 1785-1856 The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy, Bart. LL. D., Late President of the Royal Society, Foreign Associate of the Royal Institute of France, &c. ...; Volume 1 Bailey, Thomas 1785-1856 A Discourse on the Causes of Political Revolutions Descendants of James McMichael (1772-1821) and Rosanna DeMott (1785-1856) Descendants of James McMichael (1772-1821) and Rosanna DeMott (1785-1856) Paris, John Ayrton 1785-1856 Pharmacologia: Corrected and Extended, in Accordance With the London Pharmacopoeia of 1824, and With the Generally Advanced State of Chemical Science; 1 Bailey, Thomas 1785-1856 Records of Longevity: With an Introductory Discourse on Vital Statistics