Minibok: Ett besök i Venedig 1878, E-bok Sommerville, William 1800-1878 A Treatise on Psalmody: Addressed to the Worshippers of God Minibok: Vårt solsystem 1878, E-bok Om lifvet i Sverige under hednatiden – Stenåldern. Återutgivning av text från 1878, E-bok Sommerville, William 1800-1878 The Study of the Bible Adapted to Promote Intellectual Improvement [microform]: a Lecture Delivered Before the Acadia Lyceum Wolfville, N. S., Dec. 8, 1857 Sommerville, William 1800-1878 A Treatise on Psalmody, Addressed to the Worshippers of God: Containing the Work of the Rev. Wm. Sommerville, A.M. ; With Some Additions, Principally From Drs. Anderson and M'Masters Wallenberg : ett familjeimperium, E-bok