Bonar, Horatius 1808-1889 Selected Hymns by the Rev. Horatius Bonar ...: Arranged for Part Singing, With Instrumental Accompaniment Bonar, Horatius 1808-1889 The Land of Promise; Notes of a Spring-journey From Beersheba to Sidon Bonar, Horatius 1808-1889 Until the Day Break": and Other Hymns and Poems Left Behind 1808-1889, Bonar Horatius Songs of the Dawn: Selections From the Poems of Horatius Bonar, Charlotte Murray and Others Barbey d'Aurevilly, J 1808-1889 Les bas-bleus Bonar, Horatius 1808-1889 Hymns of Faith and Hope: Third Series Barbey D'Aurevilly, J 1808-1889 Le théâtre contemporain, 1866-1870. Préf. de Lucien Descaves; Volume 3