Barbey-Boissier, Caroline La Comtesse Agénor De Gasparin Et Sa Famille: Correspondance Et Souvenirs 1813-1894, Volume 1...
Barbey-Boissier, Caroline La Comtesse Agénor De Gasparin Et Sa Famille: Correspondance Et Souvenirs 1813-1894, Volume 1...
Exhibition of Paintings by George Peter Alexander Healy, 1813-1894, Upon the Centenary of his Birth [at] the Art Institute of Chicago From January 2 to January 19, 1913
Exhibition of Paintings by George Peter Alexander Healy, 1813-1894, Upon the Centenary of his Birth [at] the Art Institute of Chicago From January 2 to January 19, 1913
Scadding, Henry 1813-1901 The 8th King's Regiment, a Curiosity in Its Annals [microform]: the Remains of a Non-commissioned Officer in This Regiment, Killed at the Taking of ... Discovered at Toronto in 1894 ...
Scadding, Henry 1813-1901 The 8th King's Regiment, a Curiosity in Its Annals [microform]: the Remains of a Non-commissioned Officer in This Regiment, Killed at the Taking of ... Discovered at Toronto in 1894 ...
Cooper, Susan Fenimore 1813-1894 Mount Vernon: a Letter to the Children of America, by the Author of "Rural Hours," Etc., Etc.
Cooper, Susan Fenimore 1813-1894 Mount Vernon: a Letter to the Children of America, by the Author of "Rural Hours," Etc., Etc.
Howells, William Cooper 1807-1894 Recollections of Life in Ohio, From 1813-1840
Howells, William Cooper 1807-1894 Recollections of Life in Ohio, From 1813-1840
Gilpin, William 1813-1894 Mission of the North American People; Geographical, Social, and Political
Gilpin, William 1813-1894 Mission of the North American People; Geographical, Social, and Political