Fraser-Mackintosh, Charles Letters of Two Centuries Chiefly Connected With Inverness and the Highlands From 1616 to 1815
Biundi, Giuseppe Di Giuseppe La Farina E Del Risorgimento Italiano Dal 1815 Al 1900-1893: Memorie Storico-Biografiche Seguite Da Illustratazioni E Da Documenti Editi Ed Inediti
Beecher, Charles 1815-1900 The Bible, a Sufficient Creed: Being Two Discourses Delivered at the Dedication of the Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Iowa [i.e. Indiana] February 22, 1846
Des Granges, Charles Marc La comédie et les moeurs sous la Restauration et le monarchie de juillet, 1815-1848
Anne, Théodore Mémoires: Souvenirs Et Anecdotes Sur L'intérieur Du Palais De Charles X, Et Les Événements De 1815 À 1830...
Des Granges, Charles Marc La comédie et les moeurs sous la Restauration et le monarchie de juillet, 1815-1848
Ingersoll, Charles Jared History of the Second War Between the United States of America and Great Britain: Declared by Act of Congress, the 18Th of June, 1812, and Concluded by Peace, the 15Th of February, 1815; Volume 1
Morris, Charles 1833-1922 The Voter's Guide for the Campaign of 1900: Great Issues and National Leaders ; Live Questions of the Day Discussed, Including Imperialism, Expansion, ... Canal, Open Door in the East, Etc., With...
Webster, Charles K. British Diplomacy, 1813-1815: Select Documents Dealing With the Reconstruction of Europe
History of the Parish of St. John the Evangelist, Pawling, Dutchess County, N.Y., and the Mission Church of St. Charles Borromeo, Dover Plains, Dutchess County, N.Y. [1848-1900]
Dargan, Edwin Charles A History Of Preaching ...: Vol. Ii. From The Close Of The Reformation Period To The End Of The Nineteenth Century, 1572-1900
1815-1900, Beecher Charles The Bible, a Sufficient Creed: Being two Discourses Delivered at the Dedication of the Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Iowa [i.e. Indiana] February 22, 1846
Morris, Charles 1833-1922 The Voter's Guide for the Campaign of 1900: Great Issues and National Leaders ; Live Questions of the Day Discussed, Including Imperialism, Expansion, ... Canal, Open Door in the East, Etc., With...