Holmes, Oliver Wendell The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes; Additional Poems (1837-1848): Volume 02 in large print

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Tooke, Thomas A History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation, From 1793 to 1837; Preceded by a Brief Sketch of the State of Corn Trade in the Last two Centuries; Volume 1

Wilkins, William Noy Our Government Schools, What They Have Done With Art Since Their Formation in 1837. by the Author of 'art Impressions of Dresden' (W.N. Wilkins)

An Exile From Canada to Van Diemen's Land; Beign the Story of Elijah Woodman, Transported Overseas for Participation in the Upper Canada Troubles of 1837-38

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McCaskey, J P B 1837 Favorite Songs and Hymns for School and Home Containing Four Hundred and Fifty of the World's Best Songs and Hymns, Including National Songs and Many ... Twenty-five Responsive Scriptural Readings

Young, Alexander The Good Merchant: a Discourse Occasioned by the Death of William Parsons, Esq., Delivered in the Church on Church Green, March 26, 1837

Daubeny, Charles Journal of a Tour Through the United States, and in Canada, Made During the Years 1837-38

Gubian, Louis Dispensaire De Lyon. Histoire De La Grippe À Lyon En 1837: Rapport Demandé Par La Mairie De Lyon...

Tymms, Samuel The Family Topographer: The Northern Circuit: Cumberland, Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland, Westmorland, Yorkshire (Three Ridings) 1837

Zglenicki, Leon Thaddeus 1890- Poles of Chicago, 1837-1937; a History of One Century of Polish Contribution to the City of Chicago, Illinois

Hughes, T S 1786-1847 The History of England, From the Accession of George III., 1760, to the Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837; Volume 4

Kellogg, John Jackson 1837- War Experiences and the Story of the Vicksburg Campaign From "Milliken's Bend" to July 4, 1863; Being an Accurate and Graphic Account of Campaign ... B 113th Illinois Volunteer Infantry; Volume 1

University, Depauw Depauw University: Semi-centennial Reminiscences And Historical Addresses: 1837-1887

Prividali, Luigi Il Censore Universale, Dei Teatri. Red.: Luigi Prividali. Milano, Giov. Pirotta 1829-1837

Fiedler, Karl Gustav Reise Durch Alle Theile Des Königreiches Griechenland... in Den Jahren 1834 Bis 1837, Zweiter Theil

Wilkie, Christopher Hales The Parish Registers of S. Giles, Kingston. Baptisms, 1558-1812. Marriages, 1558-1837. Burials, 1558-1812. Prefaced by a List of the Rectors of the ... Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard

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Bachman, Jonathan Waverley 1837-1924 Pioneer Presbyterianism in Tennessee. Addresses Delivered at the Tennessee Exposition on Presbyterian Day, October 28, 1897

LIBANGRONG-888 Hårbulle Syntetisk fluffig chignon med elastiskt band rufsigt stökigt bullhår Updo Chignon-hår hästsvanshår for kvinnor 85g Hårbulle Hårstycke för kvinnor(1837)

Rodríguez Villa, Antonio El teniente general Don Pablo Morillo, primer conde de Cartagena, marques de la Puerta (1778-1837): 2

Stedman, Edmund Clarence A Victorian Anthology, 1837-1895; Selections Illustrating the Editor's Critical Review of British Po

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