McBurney, Robert R. Robert R. McBurney A Memorial, 1837-1898
McBurney, Robert R. Robert R. McBurney A Memorial, 1837-1898
Ebers, Georg 1837-1898 An Egyptian Princess; v.1
Ebers, Georg 1837-1898 An Egyptian Princess; v.1
Bühler, Georg 1837-1898 ed The Vikramânkadevacharita, a Life of King Vikramâditya-Tribhuvanamalla of Kalyâna
Bühler, Georg 1837-1898 ed The Vikramânkadevacharita, a Life of King Vikramâditya-Tribhuvanamalla of Kalyâna
Noble, John 1837-1898 South Africa, Past and Present; a Short History of the European Settlements at the Cape
Noble, John 1837-1898 South Africa, Past and Present; a Short History of the European Settlements at the Cape