Smith, Arthur Henderson 1845-1932 Proverbs and Common Sayings From the Chinese: Together With Much Related and Unrelated Matter, Interspersed With Observations on Chinese Things-in-general Grisar, Hartmann 1845-1932 Luther; 2 Grisar, Hartmann 1845-1932 History of Rome and the Popes in the Middle Ages; v.2 Jullien, Adolphe 1845-1932 Richard Wagner: His Life and Works; 2 MacCoun, Townsend 1845-1932 Bible Atlas (non-sectarian): Physical-historical Ienjoy The Library of Thorvald Boeck,Harriet Backer,1845-1932 1845-1932, Jullien Adolphe Richard Wagner, sa vie et ses oeuvres; ouvrage orné de quatorze lithographies originales par Fantin-Latour, de quinze portraits de Richard Wagner, de ... vues de théatres, autographes, etc The Secret of the Earth, E-bok