Maclean, John 1851-1928 The Indians of Canada [microform]: Their Manners and Customs Dickinson, J M. 1851-1928 Address of J.M. Dickinson, The Centennial of the Admission of the State of Tennessee Into the Union: Delivered at Nashville, Tenn., June 1, 1896 Mason, Arthur James 1851-1928 Memoir of George Howard Wilkinson: Bishop of St. Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Church, Formerly Bishop of Truro Frost, A B. 1851-1928 Stuff & Nonsense Maclean, John 1851-1928 The Destiny of To-day [microform]: Studies in Conscience and Character Jones, Henry Festing 1851-1928 Samuel Butler, Author of Erewhon, 1835-1902 [microform]: a Memoir