Fletcher, James 1852-1908 Recent Additions to the List of Injurious Insects of Canada [microform] Fletcher, James 1852-1908 Insects Injurious to Grain and Fodder Crops, Root Crops and Vegetables [microform] Thompson, David Decamp 1852-1908 Abraham Lincoln, the First American; c.1 Thompson, David Decamp 1852-1908 Abraham Lincoln and Temperance Dartnell, George Edward 1852-1908 A Glossary of Words Used in the County of Wiltshire; Volume 1893 Fletcher, James 1852-1908 Evidence of Mr. James Fletcher, Entomologist and Botanist, Dominion Experimental Farms, Before the Select Standing Committee of the House of Commons ... and Colonization, Session of 1896 [microform]