Geden, Alfred Shenington 1857-1932 A Concordance to the Greek Testament: According to the Texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf, and the English Revisers
Mackenzie, Alfred Robert Davidson Mutiny Memoirs, Being Personal Reminiscences of the Great Sepoy Revolt of 1857
1857-1934, Bruneau Alfred Naïs Micoulin; drame lyrique en deux actes tiré de la nouvelle d'Émile Zola. Poème et musique de Alfred Bruneau
Ollivant, Alfred Some Account of the Condition of the Fabric of Llandaff Cathedral, From 1575 to ... 1857
Mackenzie, Alfred Robert Davidson Mutiny Memoirs, Being Personal Reminiscences of the Great Sepoy Revolt of 1857