Krauskopf, Joseph 1858-1923 The Centenary of Lincoln's Birth: [and,] The Great White Plague : Discourses; copy 1 James, George Wharton 1858-1923 Indian Blankets and Their Makers Neilson, George 1858-1923 'Huchown of the Awle Ryale' the Alliterative Poet: a Historical Criticism of Fourteenth Century Poems Ascribed to Sir Hew of Eglintoun Neilson, George 1858-1923 John Barbour: Poet and Translator Dougall, Lily 1858-1923 Absente Reo [microform] Dale, T F. 1858-1923 The Stable Handbook Dougall, Lily 1858-1923 Paths of the Righteous [microform] Marmion, Columba 1858-1923 The English Letters of Abbot Marmion, 1858-1923