Newell, Frederick Haynes 1862-1932 Descendants of Walter Haynes and Peter Noyes, of Sudbury, Mass. Parker, Gilbert 1862-1932 A Ladder of Swords [microform]: a Tale of Love, Laughter and Tears 1862-1932, Gunkel Hermann Ausgewählte Psalmen Atkinson, William Walker 1862-1932 The Mastery of Being; a Study of the Ultimate Principle of Reality, and the Application Thereof Parker, Gilbert 1862-1932 The Money Master [microform]: Being the Curious History of Jean Jacques Barbille, His Labours, His Loves and His Ladies 1862-1932, Blume Clemens Analecta hymnica medii aevi; Volume 1 Parker, Gilbert 1862-1932 The World for Sale [microform] Parker, Gilbert 1862-1932 Northern Lights [microform] Clark, Thomas Arkle 1862-1932 Facts for Freshmen Concerning the University of Illinois; 1911