MacDonald, Thomas Donald 1864-1937 Gaelic Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings, With English Translations Linsley, George Thomas 1864-1937 The Old Glebe House of Woodbury, Connecticut, Where Bishop Seabury Was Elected: an Historical Address Vanderlip, Frank A. 1864-1937 How to win the War Cherry, Henry Hardin 1864-1937 State Normal Bulletin: Western District; 1911: Feb-Nov Schiller, F C. S. 1864-1937 Mind! a Unique Review of Ancient and Modern Philosophy Rowland, Dunbar 1864-1937 First Annual Report of the Director of the Department of Archives and History of the State of Mississippi, From March 14th, 1902, to October 1st, 1902; 1902