Duyckinck, Whitehead Cornell 1843-1936 Summary of Class Meetings and the Biographical Record of the Class of 1865, Yale College, 1865-1910 Kipling, Rudyard 1865-1936 Jvst so Stories Vilddjurets märke och andra sällsamma berättelser, E-bok Duyckinck, Whitehead Cornell 1843-1936 Summary of Class Meetings and the Biographical Record of the Class of 1865, Yale College, 1865-1910 1865-1936, Kipling Rudyard Departmental Ditties Puck of Pook s Hill, E-bok Kipling, Rudyard 1865-1936 Barrack-room Ballads; Departmental Ditties and Ballads Bilhorn, P P. 1865-1936 International Gospel Hymns and Songs Volume no. 1 Kipling, Rudyard 1865-1936 The Fringes of the Fleet [microform] / Y Rudyard Kipling