Dodd, William Edward 1869-1940 Statesmen of the Old South; or, From Radicalism to Conservative Revolt

Thieme, Hugo P. 1870-1940 The Development of the Laws of French Versification in the Parnassian and Symbolistic Schools of Poetry

Abbott, Maude E 1869-1940 Descriptive Catalogue of the Medical Museum of McGill University, Arranged on a Modified Decimal System of Museum Classification; Volume 4

Reinsch, Hugo Taschenbuch der Flora von Deutschland nach Linnéischen Systeme und Koch'scher Pflanzenbestimmung zum Gebrauche für botanische Excursionen bearbeitet

Dodd, William Edward 1869-1940 Statesmen of the Old South; or, From Radicalism to Conservative Revolt