Cherington, Paul Terry 1876-1943 The Commercial Problems of the Woolen and Worsted Industries, Prepared for the Textile Foundation, Inc.
Cherington, Paul Terry 1876-1943 The Commercial Problems of the Woolen and Worsted Industries, Prepared for the Textile Foundation, Inc.
1876-1943, Gillet Louis Louis De Clermont-tonnerre, Commandant De Zouaves, 1877-1918
1876-1943, Gillet Louis Louis De Clermont-tonnerre, Commandant De Zouaves, 1877-1918
1876-1943, Laparra Raoul Rythmes Espagnoles; 7 Spanish Dances For Piano
1876-1943, Laparra Raoul Rythmes Espagnoles; 7 Spanish Dances For Piano
Latzko, Andreas 1876-1943 Friedensgericht
Latzko, Andreas 1876-1943 Friedensgericht