Sarton, George 1884-1956 The Appreciation of Ancient and Medieval Science During the Renaissance (1450-1600)

Stokes, George Gabriel On Light: In Three Courses Delivered at Aberdeen in November, 1883, December, 1884, and November, 18

Sneath, George Mark 1884- The Influence of the English Literary Critics of the Sixteenth Century on English Verse From 1590 to 1599

1884-1966, Duhamel Georges Paul Claudel, Le Philosophe, Le Poete, L'écrivain, Le Dramaturge; Suivi De Propos Critiques

Theal, George McCall History of South Africa, From 1873 to 1884, Twelve Eventful Years, With Continuation of the History of Galekaland, Tembuland, Pondoland, and ... and of Zululand Until its Annexation: 1

Withington, Sidney 1884- Two Dramatic Episodes on New England Whaling: the George Henry and the Salvage and Restoration of H.M.S. Resolute; the Sinking of the Two "Stone Fleets" During the Civil War