Maizels, Alfred Industrial Growth and World Trade: an Empirical Study of Trends in Production, Consumption and Trade in Manufactures From 1899-1959, With a Discussion of Probable Future Trends
Maizels, Alfred Industrial Growth and World Trade: an Empirical Study of Trends in Production, Consumption and Trade in Manufactures From 1899-1959, With a Discussion of Probable Future Trends
Bonne, Alfred 1899-1959 The Economic Development of the Middle East;
Bonne, Alfred 1899-1959 The Economic Development of the Middle East;
Maizels, Alfred Industrial Growth and World Trade: an Empirical Study of Trends in Production, Consumption and Trade in Manufactures From 1899-1959, With a Discussion of Probable Future Trends
Maizels, Alfred Industrial Growth and World Trade: an Empirical Study of Trends in Production, Consumption and Trade in Manufactures From 1899-1959, With a Discussion of Probable Future Trends
Willoughby, Edwin Eliott 1899-1959 Fifty Printers' Marks
Willoughby, Edwin Eliott 1899-1959 Fifty Printers' Marks