Watson, Arthur Eugene How to Build a One-half Horse Power Dynamo or Motor
Watson, Arthur Eugene How to Build a One-half Horse Power Dynamo or Motor
Arthur B. Davies, 1862-1928; a Centennial Exhibition
Arthur B. Davies, 1862-1928; a Centennial Exhibition
Alper, Arthur Eugene 1928- An Analysis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children With Institutionalized Metal Defectives
Alper, Arthur Eugene 1928- An Analysis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children With Institutionalized Metal Defectives
Watson, Arthur Eugene Storage Batteries: Their Theory, Construction and Use
Watson, Arthur Eugene Storage Batteries: Their Theory, Construction and Use
Vinaver, Eugène 1899- Ed The Tale of the Death of King Arthur
Vinaver, Eugène 1899- Ed The Tale of the Death of King Arthur
Bestor, Arthur Eugene 1908- Chautauqua Publications; an Historical and Bibliographical Guide
Bestor, Arthur Eugene 1908- Chautauqua Publications; an Historical and Bibliographical Guide
1836-1928, Ritter Eugène Notices généalogiques sur les familles genevoises, depuis les premiers temps, jusqu'à nos jours Volume 2, pt.2
1836-1928, Ritter Eugène Notices généalogiques sur les familles genevoises, depuis les premiers temps, jusqu'à nos jours Volume 2, pt.2
Textiles and Sculpture by Arthur B. Davies (1862-1928); Paintings by Robert Loftin Newman (1827-1912); `
Textiles and Sculpture by Arthur B. Davies (1862-1928); Paintings by Robert Loftin Newman (1827-1912); `
Alper, Arthur Eugene 1928-