Anderson, John Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra: In M.Dccc.Xxiii, Under the Direction of the Government of Prince of Wales Island: Including Historical and ... Population, and Customs of the Inhabitants, A
Anderson, John Eustace History of the Parish of Mortlake, in the County of Surrey, From the Earliest Times to the Present: With Extracts From the Parish Registers From 1578 to 1886
Anderson, David Children Instead of Fathers [microform]: a Christmas Ordination Sermon Preached at St. John's Church, Red River, on Sunday, December 25, 1853
Anderson, William John The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Hysterical, Hypochondriacal, Epileptic and Other Nervous Affections
Anderson, John Mandalay to Momien: A Narrative of the two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875, Under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne
Machar, Agnes Maule 1837-1927 Faithful Unto Death [microform]: a Memorial of John Anderson, Late Janitor of Queen's College, Kingston, C.W
Anderson, John Mandalay to Momien; A narrative of the two expeditions to western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne
Anderson, John Corbet The Roman City Of Uriconium At Wroxeter, Salop: Illustrative Of The History And Social Life Of Our Romano-british Forefathers
Wagner, Hermann De Nieuwste Ontdekkingen Aan De Westkust Van Afrika: Reistogten, Jagtavonturen En Handelsreizen Van Paul Du Chaillu In Midden-afrika, Van Ladislaus ... C. Joh. Anderson Nabij De Rivier Okavango...