Michaux, François André Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, in the Year 1802; Volume 1
Michaux, François André 1770-1855 The North American Sylva; or, A Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia ...; 2
Boureau-Deslandes, André François Sammlung Vermischter Gedanken Über Große Leute Welche Scherzend Gestorben Sind...
Michaux, André Flora Boreali-Americana: Sistens Caracteres Plantarum Quas in America Septentrionali Collegit Et Detexit Andreas Michaux; Volume 2
Harris, Thaddeus Mason Travels West of the Alleghanies: Made in 1793-96 by André Michaux, in 1802 by F.A. Michaux, and in 1803 by Thaddeus Mason Harris.
André Michaux, François Travels to the westward of the Allegany mountains: in the states of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and return to Charlestown, through the upper ... and the natural production of these countrie
De Melito, André François Miot Memoirs of Count Miot De Melito: Minister, Ambassador, Councillor of State and Member of the Institute of France, Between the Years 1788 and 1815
Pierron, Sander Portraits D'artistes: Peintres: Berthe Art, François Bulens, André Collin ... [Et Al.]
André, Charles Louis François L'astronomie Pratique Et Les Observatoires En Europe Et En Amérique, Depuis Le Milieu Du Xviie Siècle Jusq'à Nos Jours
Pierron, Sander Portraits D'artistes: Peintres: Berthe Art, François Bulens, André Collin ... [Et Al.]
Michaux, François-André Voyage À L'ouest Des Monts Alleghanys, Dans Les Etats De L'ohio, Du Kentucky Et Du Tennessee, Et Retour À Charleston Par Les Hautes Carolines