Thomas, Aquinas Catena aurea, commentary on the four Gospels; collected out of the works of the Fathers Volume 1, pt.1
Aquinas, Saint Thomas Summa Theologica: Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province; Volume II
OKON, BENJAMIN Uncovering the Notion of "Thing" in Aquinas and in Heidegger: A Philosophical Inquiry towards an Integrated African Metaphysics
Thomas, Aquinas Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels, Collected out of the Works of the Fathers; Volume 1
Shields, Daniel Nature and Nature's God: The Scientific and Philosophical Validity of Aquinas's Proof of Motion
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Wulf, Maurice Marie Charles Joseph de Mediaeval Philosophy Illustrated From the System of Thomas Aquinas
Aquinas, Saint Thomas Summa Theologica: Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province; Volume I
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Anonymous Notes On the Angels, Based On the Teaching of S. Thomas Aquinas, Compiled for Schools, and Ed. by a Priest
Conway, John Placid Saint Thomas Aquinas, Of The Order Of Preachers (1225-1274).: A Biographical Study Of The Angelic Doctor
Johnson, Jeffrey D The Failure of Natural Theology: A Critical Appraisal of the Philosophical Theology of Thomas Aquinas
Klubertanz, George Peter 1912-1972 The Discursive Power: Sources and Doctrine of the Vis Cogitativa According to St. Thomas Aquinas
Kutarnová, Katerina Reading Teresa of Avila through Aquinas: on the Soul, Spiritual Development and Knowledge: 92
Thomas, Aquinas The Bread of Life: Or St. Thomas Aquinas On the Adorable Sacrament of the Altar : Arranged as Meditations With Prayers and Thanksgivings for Holy Communion
Gordon, Joseph The Passion of Love in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theolgiae: Volume 3: Human Beings and God's Governance of Creation QQ 75-119: 24
(Aquinas, Thomas La Somme Théologique De Saint Thomas D'aquin: Latin-français En Regard, Volume 1...