Contributions From the Botanical Laboratory and the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, Vol. 14; 14

Petzold, Eduard Carl Adolf Arboretum Muscaviense: Über Die Entstehung Und Anlage Des Arboretum Sr. Königlichen Hoheit Des Prinzen Friedrich Der Niederlande Zu Muskau Nebst Einem ... in Demselben Cultivirten Holzarten

Loudon, John Claudius Arboretum Et Fruticetum Britannicum or The Trees and Shrubs of Britain, Native and Foreign

Dell Cultivated Stones: Chinese Scholars' Rocks from the Kemin Hu Collection /anglais: Chinese Scholars Rocks from the Kemin Hu Collection; At the U.S. National Arboretum

Sargentia ?a Continuation of the Contributions From the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.; no. 4 1943

Arboretum, Arnold Trees And Shrubs: Illustrations Of New Or Little Known Ligneous Plants, Volume 2, Parts 1-3

LoiYtrd Klättringsväv Klätternät, hamprep Arboretum klätternät, lastnät klätterrep for trädgårdsträdhus gunga träning Vävt skiljeväggsnät sisalrep staketnät(1 * 3m(3.3 * 9.9ft))

Sargentia ?a Continuation of the Contributions From the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.; no. 2 1942