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Cooley, Arnold James The Pharmaceutical Latin Grammar: Being an Easy Introduction to Medical Latin, the London Pharmacopoeia, and the Perusal of Physicians' Prescriptions

Lee, Ida The Logbooks of the Lady Nelson; With the Journal of Her First Commander Lieutenant James Grant, R. N: in large print

Hudnut, James Monroe Historical Roll of Company D, 8th Regiment, New-York Heavy Artillery. Originally 129th N. Y. Infantry; Volume 2

Akins Jr., James N. Book 1 Chapter IIII Qube Bytes *For the Record: The Story of Our Life Based on A True Life, The π = 3 BOOKS Series

Floy, James Memorial Services of the Rev. James Floy, D.D.: Held at the Seventh St. M.E. Church, N.Y., November

Firth, James N A Text-book on Chiropractic Symptomatology; or, The Manifestations of Incoordination Considered From a Chiropractic Standpoint

Demarr, James Adventures in Australia Fifty Years Ago: Being a Record of an Emigrant's Wanderings...New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland During the Years 1839-1844

Floy, James Memorial Services of the Rev. James Floy, D.D.: Held at the Seventh St. M.E. Church, N.Y., November

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Akins Jr., James N. Book 1 Chapter IIII Qube Bytes *For the Record: The Story of Our Life Based on A True Life, The π = 3 BOOKS Series

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Baxter, James Phinney Sir Ferdinando Gorges and His Province of Maine: A Briefe Narration of the Originall Undertakings of the Advancement of Plantation Into the Parts of ... ... London, E. Brudenell, for N. Brook, 1658

Report of Brigadier-General James McLeer Commanding the Troops During the Surface Railroad Strike in Brooklyn, January, 1895, to Major-General Edwin A. McAlpin, Adjutant-General, S. N. Y

Anonymous Stories by American Authors ...: James, H. a Light Man. Millet, F. D. Yatil. Benjamin, P. the End of New York. Arnold, G. Why Thomas Was Discharged

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