Barclay, Florence L. The Mistress of Shenstone Epinay, Louise Florence Pétronille Tard Mes Moments Heureux L. Barclay, Florence The Following of the Star Barclay, Florence L. Valkoiset sisaret: Tarina kahdenneltatoista vuosisadalta Barclay, Florence L. Returned Empty Barclay, Florence L. The Rosary Ginza Little women (2019) (Blu-ray) Fitzgerald, Alice Louise Florence The Edith Cavell Nurse From Massachusetts: A Record of One Year's Personal Service With the British Expeditionary Force in France, Boulogne the Somme, 1916-1917 Fitzgerald, Alice Louise Florence The Edith Cavell Nurse From Massachusetts: A Record of One Year's Personal Service With the British Expeditionary Force in France, Boulogne the Somme, 1916-1917 Barclay, Florence L. Valkoiset sisaret: Tarina kahdenneltatoista vuosisadalta Barclay, Florence Louisa Returned Empty Barclay, Florence L. 1862-1921 The Mistress of Shenstone Sahler, Florence Louise Captain Kidd And Other Charades Barclay, Florence L. Returned Empty: in large print Barclay, Florence L. The Upas Tree (Esprios Classics): A Christmas Story for all the Year Barclay, Florence Louisa The Golden Censer Sök bara efter: Barclay, Florence Louisa