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Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart The Early Days of Sir William Wallace: A Lecture Delivered at Paisley, November 16, 1875

Brill, Patrick John The Great Sacred Music Reform of Pope St. Pius X: The Genesis, Interpretation, and Implementation of the Motu Proprio Tra le Sollecitudini (15)

Shaw, Patrick John An Old York Church: All Hallows In North Street. Its Mediaeval Stained Glass And Architecture

Blair, Patrick Thoughts on Nature and Religion: Or, An Apology for the Right of Private Judgment, Maintained by Michael Servetus, M.D. in his Answer to John Calvin

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Harrison, Hall Life of the Right Reverned John Barrett Kerfoot, First Bishop of Pittsburgh: With Selections From His Diaries and Correspondence; Volume 1

Barrett, John Patrick Electricity at the Columbian Exposition: Including an Account of the Exhibits in the Electricity Building, the Power Plant in Machinery Hall, the Arc ... Lighting of the Grounds and Buildings ... Etc