Moynihan, M Piranga (Flame-colored Tanager), Barro Colorado Island, Cerro Campana, Cerro Punta, Panama, 1958-1959

Barron, Suzanne Lee The Link Between: The Link Between The Illuminati, Targeted Individuals, Schizophrenia, Prophets, Jesus, AI and The Robots

Barros Souza Ibrahim, Samy Sustainability through biogas: Biogas via sugar cane and chicken droppings

Barros Júnior, Josué Interdisziplinäre Analyse bei CAPSi: eine Studie mit Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe

Pérez, José Gestoso Y Historia De Los Barros Vidriados Sevillanos Desde Sus Orígenes Hasta Nuestros Días

Garcia, Nasario Clarita's Clay Pot, La olla de barro de Clarita: A Bilingual Story of Friendship, English and Spanish

Peron Maciel, Lucas de Barros Religious freedom in the Brazilian Constitution: And the question of religious education in public schools

Moynihan, M Pithecia Monachus (Monk Saki), Iquitos, Peru; Washington Zoo; Barro Colorado Island, Panama, 1958, 1961, 1964, 1968

What Works on Wall Street, Fourth Edition: The Classic Guide to the Best-Performing Investment Strategies of All Time

Barron, Douglas Gordon In Defence of the Regalia, 1651-2: Being Selections From the Family Papers of the Ogilvies of Barras

Barro, Michael P. Atheism Is a Delusion: Expounding the Aftermath of Examining the Claims and Objections of Disbelief

Moynihan, M Cacajou Rubicundus (Vakari Monkey), Washington Zoo; Bronx Zoo; Barro Colorado Island, Panama, 1958-1959, 1964-1965

Stevenson, William Barron The Crusaders in the East: A Brief History of the Wars of Islam With the Latins in Syria During the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

Barros, José Deomar de Souza Soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit: Schwerpunkt auf landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken in den Gemeinden, die im Rahmen des Projekts zur Umleitung des Flusses São Francisco angesiedelt wurden

Barron, James Proceedings of the General Court Martial Convened for the Trial of Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles Gordon, Mr. William Hook, and Captain John ... Chesapeake, in the Month of January, 1808