Maro, Publius Vergilius The Æneid of Virgil: Books I-Ii, Tr. Into Engl. Verse in the Spencerian Stanza by E.F. Taylor Neal, E Virgil Modern Illustrative Banking Maro, Publius Vergilius The Æneid of Virgil: Books I-Ii, Tr. Into Engl. Verse in the Spencerian Stanza by E.F. Taylor Virgil ... e: Les Géorgiques Virgil OEuvres Complètes De e: Traduction Nouvelle; Volume 1 Baugh, Virgil E. Rendezvous at the Alamo: Highlights in the Lives of Bowie, Crockett, and Travis Virgil Le Bucoliche: Testo, Costruzione, Versione Letterale E Brevi Note Sök bara efter: Baugh, Virgil E.