Binney, Horace An Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Binney, Amos The Terrestrial Air-Breathing Mollusks of the United States: And the Adjacent Territories of North America; Volume 2
Gunnison, Binney New Dialogues and Plays for Young People, Ages Fifteen to Twenty-Five: Adapted From the Popular Works of Well-Known Authors
Binney, Hibbert 1819-1887 A Letter to the Rt. Rev. Dr. Binney, Bishop of Nova Scotia [microform]: Containing Observations on the Origin of the Synodical Movement and a Defence of the Position and Action of Its Opponents
Myer, Isaac 1836-1902 Presidential Power Over Personal Liberty: a Review of Horace Binney's Essay on the Writ of Habeas Corpus