Miller, Francis Trevelyan 1877-1959 The Photographic History of the Civil War: in Ten Volumes; 5 Hughes, Edward Francis The Millenium: An Epic Poem Trochu, Francis 1877-1967 Saint Bernadette Soubrious, 1844-1879 Blunt, Reverend Hugh Francis The Great Magdalens Yeo, Margaret 1877-1941 St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the East Devas, Francis 1877-1951 The Law of Love; the Spiritual Teaching of Francis Devas, S.J.; Caraher, Hugh A Month at Lourdes and its Neighbourhood in the Summer of 1877 Fyleman, Rose 1877-1957 Fairies and Friends Miller, Francis Trevelyan 1877-1959 The Photographic History of the Civil War: in Ten Volumes; 2 Miller, Francis Trevelyan 1877-1959 The Photographic History of the Civil War: in Ten Volumes; 10 Greene, Francis Vinton The Russian Army and its Campaigns in Turkey in 1877-1878 Greene, Francis Vinton The Russian Army and its Campaigns in Turkey in 1877-1878 Walker, Francis Hugh Ascorbic Acid Content of Selected Vegetables During Stages of Preparation and Service at a College Cafeteria Cleghorn, Hugh Francis Clarke The Forests and Gardens of South India Miller, Francis Trevelyan 1877-1959 The Photographic History of the Civil War: in Ten Volumes; 8 Hickman, Albert 1877-1957 The Sacrifice of the Shannon [microform] Walker, Francis Hugh Ascorbic Acid Content of Selected Vegetables During Stages of Preparation and Service at a College Cafeteria Sök bara efter: Blunt, Hugh Francis 1877-1957