Senior, Charles Hand-Book of Income Tax Law & Practice: With an Index to the Acts of Parliament 1842 to the Present Time

Fremont, John Charles Memoirs of my Life: Including in the Narrative Five Journeys of Western Explorations During the Years 1842, 1843-4, 1845-6-7, 1848-9, 1853-4 ...: [prospectus

Wilkes, Charles Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition During the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842: Vol. IV

Thompson, Alexander British Law and Governance in Treaty Port China 1842-1927: Consuls, Courts and Colonial Subjects

Fremont, John Charles Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California, in the years 1843-44

Wilkes, Charles Voyage of the U.S. Exploring Squadron: Commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes, of the United States Navy, in 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842 : Together ... Captain Ross, and Other Navigators and Trav

Fremont, John Charles Memoirs of my Life: Including in the Narrative Five Journeys of Western Explorations During the Years 1842, 1843-4, 1845-6-7, 1848-9, 1853-4 ...: [prospectus

1842-1927, Thomsen Vilhelm Festschrift: Vilhelm Thomsen Zur Vollendung Des Siebzigsten Lebensjahres Am 25. Januar 1912

1842-1927, Schuchardt Hugo Hugo Schuchardt-brevier, Ein Vademekum Der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft, Als Festgabe Zum 80 Geburtstag Des Meisters