Peters, Richard The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America From the Organization of the Government in 1780, to March 3, 1845: Arranged in ... the Subsequent Acts On the Same Subject, And
Peters, Richard The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America From the Organization of the Government in 1780, to March 3, 1845: Arranged in ... the Subsequent Acts On the Same Subject, And
George, John Charge Delivered at his Annual Visitation, 1845
George, John Charge Delivered at his Annual Visitation, 1845
Bourne, George Picture of Slavery in the United States of America
Bourne, George Picture of Slavery in the United States of America
Eld, George Memoranda Of Lieut.-col. Eld, Of The Coldstream Guards: During His Service In America, In The Years 1779 And 1780
Eld, George Memoranda Of Lieut.-col. Eld, Of The Coldstream Guards: During His Service In America, In The Years 1779 And 1780
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Bourne, George Picture of Slavery in the United States of America
Kennan, George 1845-1924 E.H. Harriman's Far Eastern Plans
Kennan, George 1845-1924 E.H. Harriman's Far Eastern Plans
Watson, George Douglas 1845-1924 The Heavenly Life
Watson, George Douglas 1845-1924 The Heavenly Life
Bourne, George The Spirit of the Public Journals; or, Beauties of the American Newspapers for 1805
Bourne, George The Spirit of the Public Journals; or, Beauties of the American Newspapers for 1805
Law, George Henry 1761-1845 A Sermon Preached Before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts at Their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish Church ... Bow, on Friday, February 16, 1816 [microform]
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Confidence in Death [microform]: a Sermon Preached in St. George's Church, Kingston, Canada West, on Sunday, January 26th, 1845, on the Occasion of ... Court, a Queen's Counsel, and Late...
Peters, Richard The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America From the Organization of the Government in 1780, to March 3, 1845: Arranged in ... the Subsequent Acts On the Same Subject, And
Peters, Richard The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America From the Organization of the Government in 1780, to March 3, 1845: Arranged in ... the Subsequent Acts On the Same Subject, And
Atkinston, George Wesley 1845-1925 The West Virginia Pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Sermons From Living Ministers. With Personal Sketches of the Authors
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Bucher, George 1845-1923 In the Line: 1914-1918
Bucher, George 1845-1923 In the Line: 1914-1918
Baechtold, Jakob Aus dem Herder'schen Hause: Aufzeichnungen von Johann Georg Müller (1780-82)
Baechtold, Jakob Aus dem Herder'schen Hause: Aufzeichnungen von Johann Georg Müller (1780-82)
Bourne, George 1780-1845 Lorette [microform]: the History of Louise, a Daughter of a Canadian Nun, Exhibiting the Interior of Female Convents
Bourne, George 1780-1845 Lorette [microform]: the History of Louise, a Daughter of a Canadian Nun, Exhibiting the Interior of Female Convents
Nørregård, Georg The English Purchase of the Danish Possessions in the East Indies and Africa, 1845 and 1850
Nørregård, Georg The English Purchase of the Danish Possessions in the East Indies and Africa, 1845 and 1850
Dromgoole, George Coke Speech of Mr. Dromgoole, of Virginia, on the Annexation of Texas: Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 24, 1845
Dromgoole, George Coke Speech of Mr. Dromgoole, of Virginia, on the Annexation of Texas: Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 24, 1845
Rood, Hosea W. 1845-1933 A Historical Sketch of the Thorngate-Rood Family, Descendants of George Thorngate, Senior, and Matilda Blanchard, 1798-1906
Rood, Hosea W. 1845-1933 A Historical Sketch of the Thorngate-Rood Family, Descendants of George Thorngate, Senior, and Matilda Blanchard, 1798-1906
Saintsbury, George 1845-1933 A Consideration of Thackeray
Saintsbury, George 1845-1933 A Consideration of Thackeray
Bourne, George 1780-1845