Fayette Bragdon, Claude Four-Dimensional Vistas
Fayette Bragdon, Claude Four-Dimensional Vistas
Bragdon, Claude Fayette 1866-1946 Self Education; an Address Given Before the Boston Architectural Club, April the Third, 1909
Bragdon, Claude Fayette 1866-1946 Self Education; an Address Given Before the Boston Architectural Club, April the Third, 1909
Bragdon, Claude Fayette Tertium Organum (the Third Organ of Thought) a key to the Enigmas of the World
Bragdon, Claude Fayette Tertium Organum (the Third Organ of Thought) a key to the Enigmas of the World
Bragdon, Claude Fayette A Primer of Higher Space (The Fourth Dimension)
Bragdon, Claude Fayette A Primer of Higher Space (The Fourth Dimension)
Bragdon, Claude Fayette The Beautiful Necessity; Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture
Bragdon, Claude Fayette The Beautiful Necessity; Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture
Bragdon, Claude Fayette