The Patois Poems of the Channel Islands: The Norman-Fr.Text, Ed. with Engl. Tr., Hist. Intr. and Notes by J.L.Pitts
The Patois Poems of the Channel Islands: The Norman-Fr.Text, Ed. with Engl. Tr., Hist. Intr. and Notes by J.L.Pitts
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Lonely planet fr Grèce 5ed
Anonymous The Four Gospels Explained by Their Writers. With an Appendix. Ed. by J.B. Roustaing, Tr. [From the Fr.] by W.F. Kirby
Anonymous The Four Gospels Explained by Their Writers. With an Appendix. Ed. by J.B. Roustaing, Tr. [From the Fr.] by W.F. Kirby
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The Patois Poems of the Channel Islands: The Norman-Fr.Text, Ed. with Engl. Tr., Hist. Intr. and Notes by J.L.Pitts
The Patois Poems of the Channel Islands: The Norman-Fr.Text, Ed. with Engl. Tr., Hist. Intr. and Notes by J.L.Pitts
Stanhope, Philip Dormer Letters Written by Lord Chesterfield to His Son, Ed. With Notes, Tr.Of the Lat., Fr., and Ital. Quotations and a Biogr. Notice of the Author, by C.S. Carey
Stanhope, Philip Dormer Letters Written by Lord Chesterfield to His Son, Ed. With Notes, Tr.Of the Lat., Fr., and Ital. Quotations and a Biogr. Notice of the Author, by C.S. Carey
Vardan ... Choix De Fables De Vartan [Or Rather, Ascr. to Him] En Arménien Et En Fr. [Ed. and Tr. by J.a. Saint-Martin].
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Marin Maximes D'etat, Ou Testament Politique D'armand Du Plessis, Cardinal Duc De Richelieu...(par Paul Hay Du Chastelet, Éd. Par Fr.- Louis-claude i ... Par Et. Lauréault De Foncemagne)...
Marin Maximes D'etat, Ou Testament Politique D'armand Du Plessis, Cardinal Duc De Richelieu...(par Paul Hay Du Chastelet, Éd. Par Fr.- Louis-claude i ... Par Et. Lauréault De Foncemagne)...
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Stanhope, Philip Dormer Letters Written by Lord Chesterfield to His Son, Ed. With Notes, Tr.Of the Lat., Fr., and Ital. Quotations and a Biogr. Notice of the Author, by C.S. Carey
Stanhope, Philip Dormer Letters Written by Lord Chesterfield to His Son, Ed. With Notes, Tr.Of the Lat., Fr., and Ital. Quotations and a Biogr. Notice of the Author, by C.S. Carey
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Marin Maximes D'etat, Ou Testament Politique D'armand Du Plessis, Cardinal Duc De Richelieu...(par Paul Hay Du Chastelet, Éd. Par Fr.- Louis-claude i ... Par Et. Lauréault De Foncemagne)...
Marin Maximes D'etat, Ou Testament Politique D'armand Du Plessis, Cardinal Duc De Richelieu...(par Paul Hay Du Chastelet, Éd. Par Fr.- Louis-claude i ... Par Et. Lauréault De Foncemagne)...
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Broom, Fr Ed