Burnett, Frances Hodgson Little Lord Fauntleroy: A Drama in Three Acts Founded On the Story of the Same Name
Burnett, J F 1851-1929 Elias Smith: Reformer, Preacher, Journalist, Doctor. Horace Mann: Christian Statesman and Educator: "Booklet Five
Burnett, Frances Hodgson A Lady of Quality: Being a Most Curious, Hitherto Unknown History, As Related by Mr. Isaac Bickerstaff But Not Presented to the World of Fashion ... and Now for the First Time Written Down
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Leslie, Davidson William Theism as Grounded in Human Nature, Historically and Critically Handled: Being the Burnett Lectures
Hodgson Burnett, Frances A Little Princess: Being the whole story of Sara Crewe now told for the first time
Burnett, James Compton The Diseases of the Liver: Jaundice, Gall-stones, Enlargements, Tumours, and Cancers, and Their Trea