Maurice, John Frederick Denison The Church a Family: 12 Sermons On the Occasional Services of the Prayer-Book

Wood, John Ryle A Funeral Sermon Preached in the Church of Hanley Castle, Sunday, April 13, 1856, On the Death of Sir Edmund Hungerford Lechmere, Bart

Doran, John Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean: Vol. II

Fleay, Frederick Gard The Life and Death of King John, Together With the Troublesome Reign of King John, As Acted by the Queen's Players C.1589, Ed. With Notes by F.G. Fleay

Simmons, Frederick Johnson 1884- The Simmons Family at Harvard University, and Other Data; Esther Minerva Simmons and Baxendale Memorial Foundation at Harvard; John Simmons, Founder of Simmons College;

Aikin, John 1747-1822 The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser in Six Volumes From the Text of J. Upton; 1

Fairholt, Frederick William Poems and Songs Relating to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham and His Assassination by John Felton, August 23, 1628

Doran, John Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean: Vol. II

Herbert, John Frederick Anatomy And Physiology Of The Eye: With Hints For The Preservation Of The Eyesight ...

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Griesbach, Marcellus Frederick The Relationship Between Temporal and Spiritual Powers in John of Paris and James of Viterbo, a Study of the Early Development of Thomistic Political Philosophy

Weis, Frederick Lewis 1895-1966 The Parentage of John Prescott of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1645, and of James Prescott of Hampton and Kingston, New Hampshire

Cartwright, Edmund Letters and Sonnets on Moral and Other Interesting Subjects Addressed to Lord John Russel

Archbold, John Frederick The Parish Officer: Comprising the Whole of the Present Law Relating to the Several Parish and Union Officers, As Well As of the Guardians of the Poor ... Rates, Vestries, Watching and Lighting,

Simmons, Frederick Johnson 1884- The Simmons Family at Harvard University, and Other Data: Esther Minerva Simmons and Baxendale Memorial Foundation at Harvard; John Simmons, Founder of Simmons College

Ancestors and Descendants of Dr. Edmund Burke Donnelly of Ontario, Can. and John Lawrence of Aberdeen, Scot. ..; Families of Donnelly, McGuire, ... Richardson, Elliott, Lawrence and St. Clair.

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Jervis-Smith, Frederick John Evangelista Torricelli: Written On The Occasion Of The Tercentenary Commemoration Of The Italian Philosopher, At Faenza, October 15 And 16, 1908

Smith, Frederick John The Principles And Practice Of Medical Jurisprudence By The Late Alfred Swaine Taylor; Volume 2

Edmunds, John The Seven Sayings of Christ On the Cross, Seven Lent Lectures, to Which Is Prefixed a Gospel Harmony of the Passion of Christ

Pott, John Frederick Observations On Matters Of Prize: And The Practice Of The Admiralty Prize Courts, In Defence Of The Rights And Interests Of His Majesty's Navy

Strype, John The History of the Life and Acts of the Most Reverend Father in God, Edmund Grindal, the First Bishop of London, and the Second Archbishop of York and ... Queen Elizabeth: To Which Is Added, an Append

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Fleay, Frederick Gard The Life and Death of King John, Together With the Troublesome Reign of King John, As Acted by the Queen's Players C.1589, Ed. With Notes by F.G. Fleay

Snell, Frederick John The Chronicles of Twyford, Being a new and Popular History of the Town of Tiverton in Devonshire: With Some Account of Blundell's School Founded A.D. 1604