H. F. Bosanquet, William The Fall of Man Or Paradise Lost of Caedmon: Translated in Verse From the Anglo-Saxon Caedmon, Benjamin Thorpe Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures in Anglo-Saxon Ellis, Henry Account of Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase, of Scripture History: An Illuminated Manuscript of the Tenth Century, Preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (Classic Reprint) Anonymous A Song of Caedmon: And Other Poems Hunt, Theodore Whitefield Cædmon's Exodus and Daniel Streonaeshalch, Caedmon von Biblische Dichtungen Anonymous A Song of Caedmon: And Other Poems Hunt, Theodore W. Caedmon's Exodus and Daniel Caedmon The Later Genesis Watson, Robert Spence Cædmon The First English Poet