Beard, George Miller Hay-Fever; Or, Summer Catarrh: Its Nature and Treatment. Including the Early Form, Or "Rose Cold"; the Later Form, Or "Autumnal Catarrh"; and a Middle Form, Or July Cold, Hitherto Undescribed

Longe, Francis Davy A Critical Examination Of Mr. George's 'progress & Poverty' And Mr. Mill's Theory Of Wages

Beard, George Miller Legal Responsibility In Old Age: Based On Researches Into The Relation Of Age To Work: Read Before The Medico-legal Society Of The City Of New York At The Regular Meeting Of The Society, March, 1873

Beard, George Miller A Practical Treatise On the Medical and Surgical Uses of Electricity: Including Localized and Central Galvanization, Franklinization, Electrolysis and Galvano-Cautery

Beard, George Miller 1839-1883 Our Home Physician: A New and Popular Guide to the Art of Preserving Health and Treating Disease; With Plain Advice for All the Medical and Surgical Emergencies of the Family

MediaTronixs Happy Feet 1 & 2 DVD (2012) George Miller, Coleman (DIR) Cert U 2 Discs Pre-Owned Region 2

Beard, George Miller Hay-Fever; Or, Summer Catarrh: Its Nature and Treatment. Including the Early Form, Or "Rose Cold"; the Later Form, Or "Autumnal Catarrh"; and a Middle Form, Or July Cold, Hitherto Undescribed

Smith, William The Jefferson Borden Mutiny: Trial of George Miller, John Glew and William Smith for Murder On the High Seas, Before Clifford and Lowell, Jj